Stock Watch: Tiger up, prognosticators down

Stock Watch: Tiger up, prognosticators down

Each week on, well examine which players stocks and trends are rising and falling in the world of golf. RISINGJ-Day (+9%): His oft-injured back remains a serious concern going forward, but its easy to forget how special of a talent he is when hes on. No shot or moment is too big.Haotong Li (+7%): Shooting 63 with no pressure at Birkdale was one thing. Chasing down Rory McIlroy on the back nine in Dubai proves this 22-year-old from China is the real deal.Tiger (+5%): The over-analysis was inevitable, but dont lose sight of the bigger picture: After playing just four times since 2015, Woods grinded it out, shot all four rounds of par or better and posted a top-25 at one of the PGA Tours most difficult regular-season stops. A solid start.Alex Noren (+3%): The 35-year-old Swede joined the Tour this season to learn how to play American-style courses (and better prepare for the majors), and his first start as a member couldnt have gone much better he was fourth in strokes gained-tee to green, looked fearless in crunch time and took a major winner to six playoff holes.Brittany Lincicome (+1%): For a player who takes her downtime seriously, Bam Bam sure knows how to start strongly, winning the LPGA season opener for the second consecutive year. 

FALLINGJon Rahm (-1%): Maybe the opportunity to become world No. 1 overwhelmed him, or perhaps his swing abandoned him at the wrong time. Whatever the case, Rahms 75-77 weekend at Torrey Pines when he entered the third round just one shot back was surprising.Catriona Matthew (-2%): In 2019, shell have to face off against undefeated U.S. leader Juli Inkster, who at this point should just be named captain in perpetuity.Rickies Torrey record (-3%): As a Farmers ambassador hell continue to play the event, but Fowler has now gone MC-T61-MC-MC-MC there since 2014.Tiger forecasters (-4%): Already, a few longtime observers have declared, emphatically, that Woods will win this year. And maybe he will. But can we totally ignore the serious issues with his long game including that career-low 30-percent driving clip and the competitive reality that he plays a limited schedule against the top fields on the most difficult courses? Lets slow that roll.J.B. Holmes (-8%): It wasnt just the excruciating amount of time that Holmes took to play (what was eventually a poor layup into) the 72nd hole. It was his apathetic attitude afterward that made him such a villainous figure in the ongoing slow-play debate.

Apr 05, 2018 · Masters Tiger tracker: Woods fights back, finishes one-over par in return to Augusta National. For the first time in years, Tiger Woods is a Masters contender.

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Chris Como's stock is on the rise while Independent Tiger is on the decline. We track the ups and downs in Stock Watch. Stock Watch: Chris Como Up; Solo Tiger Woods Down | Golf Channel
PGA Stock Watch: Who's up, down ahead of Bethpage? -

Tiger Woods played well in his return and offered plenty of reasons to be optimistic. But let's slow down with victorious proclamations. Stock Watch: Tiger Woods up, prognosticators down | Golf
Stock Watch: Tiger Woods up, prognosticators down | by Golf

Stock Watch: Tiger Woods up, prognosticators down | by Golf News Each week on, we'll examine which players' stocks and trends are rising and falling SUBSCRIBE 4 More
Stock Watch: Como up; Independent Tiger down - Golf Channel

Stock Watch: Tiger up, prognosticators down - Golf Channel

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Who's trending up or down heading into the PGA Championship? We examine Tiger Woods, Jordan Spieth, first-time winners, the Bethpage Black course and more. PGA Stock Watch: Tiger, Spieth
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Masters: Tiger Woods has up-and-down return to Augusta National

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