Montana parents must pay to watch high school matches

Montana parents must pay to watch high school matches

Parents of Montana high school golfers can once again watch their kids during matches - for a price.Late last year the Montana State High School Association enacted a rule banning spectators from watching high school golf "except for certain locations." That led to an uproar from local parents, who pointed out that parents of athletes in other sports have no such troubles watching their kids in action.The MSHSA has amended the rule according to the Montana Sidney Herald, allowing spectators on the course as long as they turn cell phones off, stay at least 40 yards away from players and refrain from offering advice. But they'll also have to fork over some cash, as spectators will be asked to pay $10 in exchange for a badge they'll be required to wear "at all times that they are on the course.""We will try it at all levels and see how it goes," said executive board vice president Luke Kloker. "Every other state seems to be able to figure out how to make it work."According to the report, only two states currently do not allow spectators on the course during high school matches. The new policy will be considered a "pilot program," going into effect for the fall postseason and also extending to the spring season.

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MHSA Contact Information Address - 1 S Dakota Ave, Helena, MT 59601 Phone - 406-442-6010 Fax - 406-442-8250
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WATCH Project / About the WATCH Project

Parents of Montana high school golfers can once again watch their kids during matches - for a price. Late last year the Montana State High School Association enacted a rule banning spectators from
Montana High School Association

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