Watch: Henry makes ace in Puerto Rico

Watch: Henry makes ace in Puerto Rico

J.J. Henry aced the 202-yard, par-3 16th in Round 2 of the Puerto Rico Open. It's his fourth career hole-in-one on the PGA Tour.Either he wasn't sure about the ball going in or, once you've made four aces, the novelty of it all loses effect. Most of us wouldn't know. That got Henry to 3 under par, five strokes off the lead.

Apr 20, 2017 · Tiger Woods won't be back for some time. Woods, who has made just three starts in two years, likely won't play again this season after he had his fourth back surgery Wednesday in Texas. The
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On wild Sunday, Fowler finally wins Phoenix Open in front of family Source: The Golf Channel Fowler goes and wins Phoenix Open, after Tiger tells him to.
Rickie Fowler hangs on for WMPO win after unusual penalty

But his form is good enough that we could easily see him competing to win his second career major. that's what will be needed to be in the mix at Bethpage. The 2016 Open champ has taken
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Despite being the holders and favourites to win in Paris, Furyk insists they are taking nothing for granted. "The players are very well aware of the history of the event, the talent and pride on the other side," he said. "There is not a worry on my end of any overconfidence, complacency - no-one is putting the cart before the horse.
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Watch: Rickie Fowler four-putts from 19 feet | by Golf News THE COLONY, Texas - Nicole Broch Larsen played 14 holes in 3 under to take the early lead in
Watch: Fowler four-putts from 19 feet -

Billy Kratzert gives his take on the Vegas odds for Tiger's return at the Hero World Challenge. Woods, DeChambeau Kratzert rifles through prop bets for Woods' return. November 29, 2017
Tiger Woods Returns to PGA Tour, Sportsbooks Offer Array of Odds

The PGA Tour returns to the U.S. this week for the RSM Classic at Sea Island Resort in St. Simons Island, Ga. Check out the tee times, TV schedule and winner's purse for this week's tournament here.
The RSM Classic, third round: Leaderboard, tee times, TV schedule

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