Watch: Henderson smashes club in half

Watch: Henderson smashes club in half

Starting the final round three strokes off the lead, Brooke Henderson needed to get off to a good start on Sunday at the KPMG Women's. But instead she bogeyed three of the first six holes, and after a poor chip at the par-5 11th Henderson took out her frustrations on her wedge.

Instead of Fighting Sea Level Rise, This Town Is Embracing It Five years after Hurricane Sandy, Staten Island's Tottenville community is trying something different.
After I moved to Victoria, I learned to embrace an unhurried life

Kansas and Texas face off in Big 12 opener. By So those are three former top 30 players in the 247Sports Composite facing major question marks as both teams are looking to start a daunting Big
Texas Rangers: For his first big decision, Rangers manager

Chris Como's stock is on the rise while Independent Tiger is on the decline. We track the ups and downs in Stock Watch. Stock Watch: Chris Como Up; Solo Tiger Woods Down | Golf Channel
PGA Stock Watch: Who's up, down ahead of Bethpage? -

Professional golfer Lexi Thompson announced that she would be taking "a break from social media" after receiving a slew of "hurtful" comments following a round of golf with President Trump. The 24-year-old LPGA star shared a selfie on Instagram Sunday with a message that she would be stepping away from all her social media platforms for
Lexi Thompson withdraws from British Open to 'recharge mental

Luke Donald wasn't in the field at the U.S. Open, and he missed the cut at last week's Travelers Championship, but he was struck by the irony of the w Donald pleas for short courses in wake of Erin Hills | Handicaps Network Africa
2017 U.S. Open - Erin Hills Stirs Up a Mountain of Debate

Stock Watch: Women's game on the rise with Augusta Am event Source: The Golf Channel Each week on, we'll examine which players' stocks and trends are rising and falling in the world of golf.
Stock Watch: Women's game on the rise with Augusta Am event
Stock Watch: Women's game on the rise with Augusta Am event Each week on, we'll examine which players' stocks and trends are rising and falling in the world of golf. RISING
Stock Watch: Women's game on the rise with Augusta Am event

Tony Romo falls one shot short of making it to the Tour Q-School but a late DQ allows Tony to slip into the last spot. Romo advances to Tour Q-School. August 31, 2018.
Romo advances at Q-School after late DQ | Glendale Golf

Lexi, Wie, J. Korda grouped at U.S Women's Open . The big-hitting American trio of Lexi Thompson, Michelle Wie and Jessica Korda will be looking to provide some early summer fireworks at next
Best Female Golfers (LPGA) & Best Looking Women Golfers

Still, he can make a big impact in his rookie year as a rotational pass rusher. Coming in with fresh legs against tired offensive lineman, Bryant has enough talent to disrupt divisional passers Kirk Cousins, Mitch Trubisky, or Aaron Rodgers. At his best, Bryant could have a similar rookie season to Danielle Hunter in 2015.
David Lingmerth PGA TOUR Profile - News, Stats, and Videos

After further investigation, we determined that the damage to the engine and aircraft would cost more than $30,000, making it a Class D mishap. Because of my complacency and the overconfidence of my team, we thought we could do a routine engine drop without following the checklist.
Overconfidence | Safety Toolbox Talks Meeting Topics
How do you avoid overconfidence when it comes to safety matters? Here are some suggestions: Stay aware of the hazards. Remain alert and focus on doing the job safely. Follow the recommended safe work practices at all times. Do not take short cuts. Wear your Personal Protective Equipment -- every time. Pay attention during safety meetings.
Complacency - The Silent Killer -- Occupational Health & Safety

Michelle Wie, still recovering from appendix surgery, is out

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